Mathematics is needed almost everywhere, be it engineering, science, or other technological disciplines. Indeed, science, as well as technology, would not exist without math. In order to analyze data, recognize certain patterns, and prove facts one needs to apply math. Only then, we can understand complex information.
Almost every career involves math. Scientists need it, psychologists and even cashiers. This is the reason why every student has to learn math in school or in college. However, many students do not take the subject as seriously as they should. Many of them say they do not want to get a job that involves math.
Also Read: Interesting Facts to know about Maths
Here are some daily life examples and uses of Mathematics:
1. In Construction
When planning to construct a new building, costs, required materials as well as the duration of the project need to be calculated. Therefore, math is an important part when it comes to any construction work.
Topics used:
- Calculating costs and profit
- Calculating the required materials
- Geometry
- Measurements
2. Interior Designing
Many students want to study interior design once they finish school. However, most people do not know that the discipline involves a lot of math. Not only budgets need to be calculated but the interiors need to be planned based on the area and volume of the particular rooms. To calculate the layout, different mathematical concepts are needed.
Topics Used:
- Geometry
- Ratios
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
3. Fashion Designing
As well as interior design, fashion design involves a lot of math. For example, budgets need to be estimated and the optimal quantity of cloth needs to be calculated. Besides this, one must know what the customers want in order to produce cloth according to their tastes.
Topics Used:
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
- Percentages
4. Grocery Shopping
When going to the supermarket we are confronted with mathematical concepts such as “get 50% off” or “buy two and get one for free”. When we see these schemes we automatically calculate if we should buy the product. Therefore, we always need math when going to the supermarket or to other shops.
Topics Used:
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
- Percentages
5. Sports
Mathematical concepts can help people to make better decisions based on logic. When playing team sports, everyone needs to be able to make the right decisions for the team. Studying math helps people to learn how to make analytical decisions based on logic. Therefore, math is important when playing sports.
Topics Used:
- Probability
- Logical Reasoning
- Game Theory
6. Time Management
Time management does not only involve reading an annual clock but also planning one’s day accordingly. For most of us, time is a limiting factor and we need to fulfill several tasks within a couple of hours. Mathematical concepts help us to manage our day to finish all of our tasks.
Topics Used:
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
- Reasoning
7. Driving
When driving a car we always see signs at the sight of the road indicating a certain speed. Furthermore, in order to arrive in time, we need to calculate time, distance, and speed. Math can help us to plan our trip and to always arrive on time. Furthermore, it prevents us from getting a speeding ticket.
Topics Used:
- Logical Reasoning
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
8. Automobile Industry
When manufacturing cars companies need to know the demand in order to produce the right amount of cars. Furthermore, companies want to maximize their profits. Based on mathematical concepts they can calculate the best price for their cars. Without math, a business cannot be successful and grow in the long run.
Topics Used:
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
- Ratios
- Statistics
- Algebra
9. Computer Software
Without math, computers could not exist. Computer science involves a great deal of math. Just think about applications such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. It would be impossible to develop such programs without the help of math. The same applies to any kind of software on our laptop, tablet or phone.
Topics Used:
- Coding
- Cryptography
- Computation
10. Hospitals
Even when it comes to hospitals, math is needed to plan all processes accordingly. When are certain doctors available, when will the next surgery be performed, and how many ambulances are required. Above that, the records of all patients need to be kept appropriately.
Topics Used:
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
- Proportions
11. Video Games
The majority of students love to play video games. Some even skip their math classes in order to play them. However, without math video games could not exist. Video Game engineering involves a great deal of math.
Topics Used:
- Coding
- Computing
12. Weather Forecasting
Did you ever wonder how one can predict the weather for the next few days? It is only possible thanks to mathematical concepts. Through probability, we can predict whether the weather will be sunny or rainy tomorrow. That’s pretty helpful in everyday life.
Otherwise, we could not plan outside activities accordingly or prepare for a big storm.
Topics Used:
- Probabilities
- Statistics
13. Base of other subjects
Math forms the base of many other subjects, such as chemistry, physics, or statistics. Without mathematical concepts, these disciplines could not exist. And without many of these disciplines, we could not explain the world. So do not say that you will not study math ever again! :)
Topics Used:
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Linear Programming
- Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
14. Planning of Cities
When planning a city, budgets, as well as time frames, need to be planned. What are the costs? When will the project be finished? Which targets need to be achieved when? Only with mathematical concepts, we can answer these important questions.
Topics Used:
- Algebra
- Trigonometry
15. Economy and Marketings
Marketing agencies aim to increase profit by properly marketing products and services. To promote products and services online as well as offline they need to follow successful strategies which can only be developed with the help of mathematical concepts.
An important part of economics is analyzing the market and predicting future developments. This will help companies and politicians to react accordingly to changes. However, these changes can only be predicted with the help of mathematical concepts. Therefore, math is important for our economy and our markets.
Topics Used:
- Budgeting
- Percentages
- Algebra
- Probability
- Statistics
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